- by Joe Weber - updated on 4/12/2024
When you purchase a car battery from Batteries Plus, or anywhere for that matter, you will notice a second charge on your order called a Core Deposit. What is a core deposit? Why am I paying this extra fee when I buy a new battery?
It's easy to get upset when you see an extra fee for something you didn't know about. A core deposit is there for a good reason and in many states, it's required by law. Learn more about what it is and why battery retailers must collect these deposits.
They're unavoidable and always confusing. You buy a new battery and there is automatically an additional fee added anywhere from $10 to close to $75 for a "core". A core charge is a refundable fee that is in place and required by law in most states to encourage the proper disposal of batteries. Each state has its required minimum deposit amount, which varies depending on the size of the battery.
A core is an old battery that needs to be returned to the store for recycling. It is important to note that to get your deposit returned you must bring back an old battery that is equivalent to the battery you purchased.
Fun Fact!
Core fees don't just apply to batteries. If you are a car enthusiast or DIYer who buys a lot of car parts you are all too familiar with cores. Many car parts like water pumps, alternators, brake master cylinders and air conditioning compressors have core fees for the same reason as batteries. To keep them out of landfills.
Use BCI's State Recycling Laws resource to easily see what recycling laws your state has in place. Core management is not a one-size-fits-all process and the fees and procedures may vary by state.
When you place an order for a lead-acid battery on batteriesplus.com or purchase a battery in one of our stores, a separate refundable deposit, generally between $10 - $75, will be added to the order for a core whenever an automotive battery is purchased. Upon return of an equivalently sized battery, the amount of money charged for the deposit will be refunded to the customer.
For example, if you purchase a new battery for your 2010 Chevrolet Equinox that takes a BCI Group Size 48 battery, you will see a core deposit of $22 deposit for that new battery. Once you pick up the battery and replace the old one, bring the old battery back to the store and receive a $22 refund.
This core deposit encourages people to return their old car and truck batteries to be properly disposed of. Recycling lead-acid batteries is very important for the environment and your health because the heavy metals in the battery will break down in landfills and seep into the ground spreading dangerous toxins.
When properly recycled, lead-acid batteries are almost 100% reused and provide materials to make new batteries. Recycling them also helps reduce the amount of harmful chemicals being introduced into the environment.
Core deposits will be refunded to you as long as you return your old battery to the store where you purchased your new battery. Remember to bring back the battery you replaced and not a different, used battery. You may not receive your deposit back if you return a smaller battery than you purchased from the store.
Always keep your receipts! Getting your deposit refunded is much easier and takes less time if you have your original receipt for the associate to look up your original order.
The time you have to return your core after your new battery is purchased may vary by store, another reason to keep that receipt. Check with your local store to see how long you have to return the old battery to receive your refund.
Some stores may not accept extremely dirty or damaged batteries. Please make sure that you clean up the battery of dirt and grime and make sure that if there is any acid leaking you do your best job of cleaning it up before you bring it back to the store.
You can generally return battery cores or old, used batteries that you have lying around to any store that sells car batteries. However, you may not receive a refund of a core deposit if you return it to a store other than the store where you purchased the new battery.
You can also take old batteries to some local recycling centers. Many recycling centers will give you cash for the metals in the battery. If you have a lot of batteries lying around, you could get enough for a nice lunch somewhere. Check your local recycling center for more information.
The telltale signs of a weakening battery are there, don't ignore them. Drive over to your nearest Batteries Plus to have our store associates help you by testing your battery to see if it's time for a new one. If it is, our battery experts will help you find the best battery for your car, truck, SUV or minivan. Check out all of the automotive services we offer from battery testing, car battery installation, key fob replacements and battery recycling.
For more information on choosing the right battery for your car please read our blog articles "How Do I Know Which Car Battery Fits My Car?" and "Does Batteries Plus Replace Car Batteries?".