Get Ready For Winter With Our Daylight Saving Time Checklist
- by Bryan Veldboom
- updated on

Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, November 6th. As you get ready to set all of your clocks back an hour, why not take the time to replace any dead batteries or spent bulbs you have around your home? This checklist will help you get ready for the changing season by checking the batteries and light bulbs in your home, your emergency kit and your car.
How Often Should Batteries In a Smoke Detector Be Checked?
- Check the batteries in your smoke & carbon monoxide detectors every 6 months
- Most smoke & carbon monoxide detectors run on 9-volt batteries, although some take AA or AAA batteries
How Often Should You Replace a Smoke Detector?
- Most smoke detectors have a life expectancy of ten years
- Most carbon monoxide detectors have a life expectancy of seven years
- Many smoke & carbon monoxide detectors have an expiration date stamped on the back of the unit
- Batteries Plus offers replacement smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors
Test the Items In Your Emergency Kit
Fall is also a great time to check the supplies in your emergency prep kit. If you don't have an emergency kit at home, find out more about what you need to make one.
- Make sure that you have a few high-quality flashlights available in case the power goes out
- Test the batteries in flashlights to make sure they're still working.
- Make sure you have an adequate supply of alkaline batteries on hand
- Test the batteries in your UPS unit and replace the UPS batteries if they're not working
- Make sure that you have a wireless phone charger on hand and check to make sure that it is charged up
How Can I Prepare My Lights for Winter?
Daylight Saving Time is the perfect excuse to make sure that your home lighting is ready for the shorter days of winter.
- Check both the interior and exterior of your home, replacing any burned out bulbs with new light bulbs
- LED bulbs are ideal for exterior fixtures; since they don't use gasses or heat to create light, they turn on instantly in cold weather
- Clean your exterior lighting fixtures with soap & water so that they'll appear brighter during the shorter days
- If you have pre-programmed landscape lights, be sure to adjust the schedule so that they turn on sooner
- Smart light bulbs allow you to come home to a well-lit house; they can be controlled remotely from your phone or programmed according to a set schedule
What Should I Do To My Car To Get It Ready for Winter?
- Have your battery tested
- Pick up a spare key fob if you don't already have one
- Replace your headlight bulbs if they appear too dim; always replace headlight bulbs in pairs to ensure that your vehicle gives off the maximum amount of light
- Adjust your headlights if they are out of alignment
- Replace your windshield wipers if they aren't performing properly; beam-style blades are more effective at removing rain & snow
- Check your tire pressure & tread depth
- Keep a flashlight in your glove compartment in case of an emergency
- Keep a set of jumper cables or a jump starter in your car in case your battery dies
Trust Batteries Plus for Your Industrial Needs
You already rely on Batteries Plus for your home battery and lighting requirements, why not consider us for your business needs too? Our stores have access to thousands of industrial power and lighting products. Plus, we offer volume discount pricing and other great perks just by signing up for a free business account . Once you do, you'll also have access to your own dedicated advisor who can help steer you towards the best possible solutions, including ways to save money through one of our complimentary on-site assessments.