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Key Fob Replacement at Batteries Plus

Tech - by Bryan Veldboom - updated on 7/20/2023

Batteries Plus employee standing next to a Get Car Keys Here sign

A dead or malfunctioning key fob is a big problem. While most vehicles have some backup method of operating your vehicle, you'll still want to replace your fob as quickly as possible. Fortunately, Batteries Plus can help. Many of our stores offer fob replacement and other key-related services. These participating locations can help you with everything from programming a new fob to replacing the battery in your old one. Here's a brief rundown of our key services, including how much you'll save, how long it takes and what type of fobs we program.

Do I Need to Buy a Replacement Key Fob at a Dealership?

When most people need a new key fob, they're forced to order a replacement through their dealership. Unfortunately, most dealerships charge a premium for this service and a new fob could end up costing you up to several hundred dollars. Plus, you're stuck waiting weeks for your new fob to arrive.

At Batteries Plus, we offer key fob replacement for up to 50% less than the dealership cost. Since we perform most of our service onsite, most auto fobs can be completed in about an hour. Best of all, our key fob services are covered by a six-month limited warranty.

Where to Get Your Key Fob Programmed

Batteries Plus offers the following key-related services (available at participating locations only):

Key Cutting

  • Batteries Plus cuts replacement keys for cars and trucks.
  • We offer both standard and high-security key cutting service.

Key Fob Battery Replacement

  • Identifying your replacement battery - Our associates will help you find the correct replacement battery for your key fob
  • One-time key fob battery replacement - Our associates will install a new key fob battery within minutes - no appointment needed.
  • Lifetime key fob battery replacement - Covers all future key fob battery replacements for the full life of your vehicle.

Key Fob Shell Replacement

  • If the exterior or your fob has been damaged, we can replace it with a brand new shell.

Key Fob Programming

  • Batteries Plus can program most new key fobs in about one hour.
  • We program a variety of different auto remote types including: key fobs, flip keys, fobiks, remote head keys and smart remotes.

Batteries Plus is Your Auto Headquarters

Visit Batteries Plus for your auto battery needs. We offer installation with an auto battery purchase (valid at participating locations, on most vehicle makes and models) and free battery testing. Plus, you'll find additional essentials like replacement headlight bulbs, wiper blades and more in our Auto Center.

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